

Although many people enjoy the occasional drink, alcohol can have severe effects on your life, from your physical and mental health to your relationships and finances.

This is why many people choose to give up alcohol. However, giving up alcohol may not be easy, and you may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms and alcohol cravings. If you have an addiction, we recommend seeking support when deciding to quit alcohol.

Understanding the benefits of going alcohol-free can give you the motivation you need to begin your journey. Here are some of the top 10 benefits of going alcohol-free:

1 – Reduced Risk of Health Issues

Alcohol can have severe consequences on your physical health, in both the short-term and the long-term.

For example, alcohol consumption is a known carcinogen and can cause seven different types of cancer, including breast, bowel and mouth cancers. The good news is that if you quit drinking, the risk of developing these cancers is reduced.

Likewise, alcohol is also linked to health problems such as alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD). Around 1 in 5 people in the UK consume alcohol at a level that could cause harm to their liver – it is one of the most common causes of liver disease in the UK.

Alcohol abuse is also linked to conditions and ailments such as:

  • A weakened immune system
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Digestive problems
  • Alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD)

By cutting out alcohol, you significantly lower your chances of developing these life-threatening conditions.

2 – Improved Mental Health

Alcohol abuse can often exasperate mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Many people drink alcohol to temporarily relieve symptoms of these conditions, but it can make it worse in the long term.

However, when you quit drinking, you may notice benefits such as:

  • Improved mental clarify
  • Better mood regulation
  • Improved well-being

Likewise, if you go through rehab to quit drinking, you can take advantage of therapy sessions. These therapy sessions can work wonders for your mental health. Therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and one-to-one counselling can you understand the potential root causes of your alcohol problem, as well as idenfity your triggers.

3 – Financial Control

There’s no denying that alcohol can take its toll on your finances. In the UK, the average person spends over £7 a week on alcohol. However, if you order 5 pints of beer at a bar or pub per week, you could be spending upwards of £30 per week on alcohol.

This can quickly take its toll on your finances – especially if you have an alcohol addiction, or regularly indulge in expensive alcoholic drinks. There may also be other costs to factor in too, such as alcohol-related accidents or legal issues due to alcohol abuse.

When you give up alcohol, you can regain control over your finances. You can begin saving money and spend it on more meaningful purchases such as hobbies, or invest it into your future.

4 – Weight Loss

Alcohol is notorious for its high calorie content and association with weight gain. Alcohol can affect how your body burns fat – your liver prioritises breaking down alcohol instead of other nutrients and fats – which delays their processing. Because of this, alcohol slows down your metabolic rate.

If you stop drinking and cut alcohol out of your diet, you remove a large portion of empty calories and can begin losing weight. In turn, this can reduce the risk of obesity-related health issues such as joint pain and diabetes.

5 – Improved Sleep

Although alcohol may temporarily leave you feeling sleepy and relaxed, it can actually affect the quality of your sleep. It interferes with your REM sleep and affects your sleep patterns.

Frequent alcohol abuse can lead to higher rapid eye movement (REM), lower wave sleep, and ultimately, chronic sleep disturbance.

If you decide to stop drinking alcohol, you may notice that you’re sleeping better. You may wake up after a deep sleep feeling more refreshed and energised, without worrying about hangovers.

6 – Better Relationships

Alcohol abuse can cause strain on your relationships, whether it be with your friends, family members, or your romantic partners. However, when you stop drinking, you may notice benefits such as:

  • Improved communication
  • Deeper connections
  • More present conversations
  • Meaningful interactions

Going sober can give you the opportunity to rebuild broken relationships. In rehab, one-to-one and family therapy sessions can provide you with the tools you need to work on these relationships and improve them.

7 – Healthier Skin

Alcohol can dehydrate your body, which in turn, can lead to dull and dry skin. Alcohol is also linked to premature ageing of the skin. Excessive drinking can lead to bloated, puffy, colourless, and even wrinkled skin.

Alcohol is also linked to skin conditions such as ‘alcoholic nose’ and rosacea. However, when you stop drinking and give up alcohol, you give your skin the chance to retain moisture and develop a healthier complexion.

8 – Lower Blood Pressure

Excessive alcohol intake is associated with high blood pressure. This is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

By quitting alcohol, you can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing these serious cardiovascular conditions. Ultimately, lowering your blood pressure by reducing your alcohol intake can have long-term health benefits.

9 – Higher Energy Levels

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. This means it can leave you feeling lethargic and low in energy – especially the morning after heavy drinking.

However, when you give up alcohol or limit how much alcohol you drink, you may notice higher energy levels throughout the day. You are less likely to experience the peaks and crashes that alcohol consumption can cause.

Likewise, as previously mentioned, you may sleep much better when you give up alcohol, ensuring you’re prepared for the day ahead, every day.

10 – More Control Over Your Life

One of the most rewarding things about stopping drinking alcohol is the sense of control you gain. Whether you stop drinking completely or just take steps to reduce your drinking habits, you can feel a sense of control over your life.

If you are currently battling addiction, seeking support can help you to get your life back, and experience all of the above benefits. You will no longer be dependent on alcohol, and you can enjoy life without worrying about constant cravings, the financial issues caused by alcohol, and the countless other negative effects of alcohol dependence.

Get Help For Your Alcohol Addiction

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, know that support is available. At Help4Addiction, we can find the most suitable drug and alcohol addiction treatment for you.

Whether you’re looking for local support groups or a comprehensive rehab programme, we’re here to help. Find the right alcohol support services and begin your recovery journey today with Help4Addiction – it begins with a simple consultation.

Who am I contacting?

Calls and contact requests are answered by our admissions team at Help 4 Addiction. We work with a network of addiction rehabs throughout the UK and also some internationally. We do not own any of these clinics and we receive payment for our referral services.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 955 7700