Is someone you love dealing with a ketamine addiction? Learn more about it, here.
Ketamine is one of the drugs that Britain has a problem with. Ketamine use has been rising in England and Wales for the last few years, culminating in worrying reports of addiction statistics increasing.
Here at Help4Addiction we facilitate the sourcing of rehab clinics for clients hooked on drugs and alcohol. If you are suffering from a ketamine addiction and you wish to get help for it, you can call us for advice. You can also go to your GP for the same information. We can then help you find a rehab clinic where you can recover from your addiction at your own pace. Call 0203 955 7700 if you would like to speak to our skilled team. Otherwise, let’s talk about ketamine, what it is, how you can get over it, and what rehab looks like.
Statistics on Ketamine Use in the UK
So how bad is the problem of ketamine use in the UK? Statistics show that the 2017-2018 period saw an alarming doubling of ketamine use among adults aged 16-59. this equated to some 141,000 people. Back in 2013, the Home Office re-classified Ketamine, moving it up to a Class B. According to the Office of National Statistics, Ketamine use among adults aged 16-24 years is up to 3.2% as of 2020, with general use among adults holding steady at 0.8%. Ketamine use is worryingly popular among younger generations. 3.2% is the highest ever recorded volume in ketamine use in England and Wales.
What is Ketamine?
Ketamine has been around since the 1970s, when it was approved for medical use as an anaesthetic. Those of you familiar with serial killer TV shows might know that ketamine has a sedative effect. It renders the user into a state of barely consciousness, where they are not in control of themselves. Ketamine was used in the Vietnam war because, unlike other anaesthetics, it doesn’t affect your breathing rate. You don’t have that CNS depressant quality. As such, it’s considered safer for anaesthetic in some circles. Veterinarians use it, for example.
Ketamine has plenty of medical use. There is even an argument that it makes a tolerable anti-depressant. Unfortunately – and like all addictive prescription drugs – it is often abused. Ketamine is said to give you a relaxed, relieved feeling when you take it. It is a ‘happy’ drug which makes you trip. You can get anxious and overwhelmed when you take it, which can lead you to act dangerously or out of character.
What Does Ketamine Look Like?
Ketamine is a grainy powder that presents similarly to the heroine but not as smooth. It is often snorted, so if you think a loved one is using ketamine, look for rolled up bank notes. A ketamine hit will take about 20 minutes to work, but can last for up to an hour. It makes the user numb to external pain. Obviously, this is dangerous out with a medical setting.
How do you Stop Taking Ketamine?
If you want to stop taking ketamine, you can call us for advice. Our number is 0203 955 7700. You can go to your doctor, too, to get answers.
Ketamine is highly addictive which leads to poor quality of life and grave health concerns. Those who cannot feel pain are at high risk of injury. The drug can come with confusion and adverse side effects, but it is this lack of pain perception that makes it so scary. Ketamine is also used as a date-rape drug because of its numbing effects.
Detox and Rehab for Ketamine Addiction
Your GP will advise that you detox from ketamine in a safe environment. This might be a hospital but you could use a rehab clinic, instead. Medically assisted detox might help you to stay abstinent from ketamine for those vital first few hours. Detox will begin a few hours after your last use of the drug and may last up to a week.
Once you are through the detox portion of your stay in a rehab clinic, you can engage in the rehab activities. Rehab gives you the tools you need to fight back against addiction. It does this by keeping you busy until the cravings go away, while simultaneously giving you therapies enough that you can tackle the problems that caused you to rely on drugs in the first place.
The final stage of recovering from a ketamine addiction lies in the aftercare portion of rehab. You will be supported while you return to your daily life. Only when months have passed and you no longer think about your cravings all the time are you truly in recovery from your addiction.
The rest of your life awaits.