

If you live in the Huntingdonshire area and you have a drug addiction or a problem with alcohol, then we need you to pay attention. This is your warning – a sign, if you like – that it is time to quit. Stopping taking drugs and giving up alcohol will dramatically change your life, putting you back on the path you were supposed to be walking. All it takes is determination and stubbornness and you could be in recovery from your addiction.

If you need urgent help to detox or if you are in an overdose situation and need medical help, stop reading now and go phone an ambulance. However, those that want to find out more about how to get off drink for good should keep reading. We here at Help4Addiction are motivated to help you quit – just like our founder once did. You could be that inspiration too if you just get off drugs or alcohol.

If you are already decided upon quitting, then don’t wait any longer. Call us now on 0203 955 7700 or start an online consultation, right away. If you still need some convincing that drugs or alcohol problems exist in your area, then stay exactly where you are. We looked into the Huntingdonshire drug and alcohol statistics and the area where you live is no less innocent than anywhere else in the UK. The numbers, alas, don’t tend to lie.

How Big A Problem Is Drug And Alcohol Use in Huntingdonshire?

Unfortunately for the residents of this seemingly sleepy county, Huntingdonshire is just as likely to harbour drug dealers as other places in England. However, alcohol abuse is a known problem throughout every county in England. Since it is available over the counter for anyone old enough to buy it, alcohol is one of the most frequently used drugs in the UK… and we often forget that it is, in essence, a drug.

As recently as January, Huntingdon police had a drink-driving crackdown that saw fifty people found guilty and charged. Drink driving is a serious offense in itself – but it represents a greater problem in society. If you are willing to take the chance of driving drunk the morning after and risk your license – then you definitely have a problem with drinking too much.

Remember, if you think you have a problem with either drink or drugs, you can call us right now for help. Reach Help 4 Addiction on 0203 955 7700.

The Hunts Post frequently reports stories of drug dealers selling crack and heroin in the area. Although Huntingdonshire District Council have a ‘no-tolerance’ policy to drugs and alcohol rule breaches, this seems to do extraordinarily little to limit the damage drugs have on the community.

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How Does Drug Use Impact Society?

When you become hooked on drugs, you are inadvertently contributing to a negative impact on your community. Drug abuse affects us most at a community level since the impact on local areas from those under the influence is the most obvious to acknowledge. Disposed needles and empty drug bags litter our swing parks. Vandalism and breach of the peace are common, as is theft. Furthermore, crimes committed because of drugs or being under the influence have earned the term ‘drug crime’ as a defining feature.

According to the police services of Huntingdonshire, there are 56 crimes committed per thousand people living in the county. Statistics are 5% worse than they were from the previous year. Police put this upward trend down to knife crime and terrorism… There is a proven link between both knife crime and drug gangs, and terrorist funding and drug sales. In the worst of cases, gangs of thugs sell drugs to fund bigger acts of terrorism. Drug use has a directly negative impact on society.

If you have had enough of being a drug addict and want to get better, you need to get help. Get started with your own recovery by calling us now, on 0203 955 7700.

What Are The Symptoms of Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction symptoms and drug withdrawal symptoms are two different things. That being said, both addiction and withdrawal come with difficult-to-manage signs. Some of the symptoms of drug or alcohol addiction include:

If you or your loved one is displaying these symptoms, then they may be suffering from an addiction problem. Help is at hand, however, and recovery is possible. Get in touch with Help 4 Addiction today, on 0203 955 7700, to make a start, or simply to have a chat about making those first steps.

To find out more about drug addictions specifically, you can read this article. It is a slightly different beast than alcohol addiction – but the symptoms and signs are remarkably similar.

What Are The Symptoms of Addiction Withdrawal?

When you go through withdrawal from addiction, you experience physical symptoms and can even get pains. This goes to show how much control your mind has over your body. You can experience chills and shakes, nausea and vomiting, and a myriad of other tiny symptoms. Headaches are common, as is a dry or sore throat.

Most of all, withdrawal is characterised by need. The person going through alcohol withdrawal or drug withdrawal will experience a deep-rooted need to use their substance of choice. An addict will do things to get their hands on their substance that they wouldn’t do if they didn’t’ suffer from addiction. It is this loss of control that many find the most difficult to deal with during recovery from addiction.

If you would like to know more about the ins and outs of alcohol addiction, you can find everything you ever needed to know, here. Remember, we are always available at the other end of the phone line and ready to help. Contact us on 0203 955 7700 for more information.

Can you get help managing the Stress and Anxiety of Drug and Alcohol addiction?

When you choose to opt for rehab services in the Huntingdonshire area, you will have several consultations with different medical departments. When you reach out to us, for example, we will put you in touch with rehab clinics in and around Huntingdonshire district. Your GP will also be able to help you devise a treatment plan that works best for you.

Whichever plan they devise, your drug or alcohol rehab will require a combination of medication and therapies. A mix of therapies is needed during recovery from addiction to ensure that you strike on the one that works best for you. You might go to a private rehab clinic, or a residential facility where you live on site for the full 28 days of rehabilitation. It may be that you seek help as an outpatient and receive treatment through the day. With this method, you can continue to work and hold down your normal life, as you recover. There are also options for counselling for drug or alcohol abuse long after you are on the path to recovery. This way, you don’t need to worry about who will support you, should you slip up.

Is Online Help Available for Alcohol Addiction Recovery/Rehab?

The digital world has finally begun to catch up with us in terms of therapies. Some talking therapies can be performed online, through the use of video chatting. This works well for groups as it limits the physical contact and keeps germ contact to a minimum.

Online therapies may be available as part of your recovery plan. You can specify this treatment option to your doctor or mention it when you call us if it is of interest to you. Our number is 0203 955 7700 and we are ready and waiting for your call. Online therapy is no less beneficial than any other talking therapy. The only difference is that you can do it from within the comfort of your own home, and that you can save yourself some travel expenses, to boot.

If you think online therapy might be the winning treatment technique for you, find out more about this therapy tool at Help 4 Addiction.

Help for Drug and Alcohol Addictions is Available in All Areas of Huntingdonshire

We can provide support to those that are all over the county. Help 4 Addiction specialise in connecting you to the help you need, with minimal fuss and the greatest of urgency. If you live in any of the following areas and you want to quit drinking or stop taking drugs for good, then we need to hear from you:

  • Abbotsley
  • Catworth
  • Easton
  • Ellington
  • Elton
  • Fenton
  • Godmanchester
  • Haddon
  • Houghton
  • Ramsey
  • St Ives
  • St Neots
  • Wisbech
  • Wyton

So if you live in any of these locations and you need help overcoming an addiction, contact us today. You can call us on 0203 955 7700, or you can complete our online consultation through our site.

Other related areas to consider for rehab

About Author

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn is a leading industry addiction expert who runs the UK’s largest addiction advisory service and is regularly featured in the national press, radio and TV. He is the founder and CEO of a drug and alcohol rehab center called Help4addiction, which was founded in 2015. He has been clean himself since 2009 and has worked in the Addiction and Rehab Industry for over a decade. Nick is dedicated to helping others recover and get treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. In 2013, he released a book ‘The Thin White’ line that is available on Amazon.

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We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 955 7700