

Valium, also known as diazepam, is a prescription medication that can be prescribed to treat a variety of conditions. People can be prescribed Valium to treat anxiety, seizures, muscle spasms, as well as alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Valium tablets are central nervous depressants that ultimately leave you feeling calm and relaxed by affecting the GABA levels in your brain.

Ultimately, this reduces activity in certain areas of your brain. Valium belongs to the benzodiazepinefamily – some other medications in this group include Librium, Xanax, Ativan and temazepam.

Although Valium is a prescription-only medication, people still source the drug illicitly. Valium is an addictive substance. If you find yourself struggling to control your Valium consumption, a positive course of action is to book a Valium detox.

However, you may be wondering what a Valium detox entails, or whether you actually have a Valium addiction. Don’t worry – our team at Help4Addiction have got you covered.

Continue reading to learn more about valium addiction, and to find out what to expect when detoxing from Valium. We’ll also be exploring valium withdrawal symptoms.

At Help4Addiction, our team of addiction experts can source the best detox program for you. See ‘Book A Valium Detox’ for more information.

Valium Addiction Explained

Valium is an addictive substance. Although prescription drugs are prescribed by a doctor or medical professional, addiction can still be a risk – some prescription drugs are as addictive as illicit substances such as heroin or cocaine.Drug addiction generally refers to the psychological addiction to a substance, whereas drug dependence refers to physical dependence.Both are forms of substance use disorder, and both can be extremely harmful. Frequent or excessive Valium use can lead to you developing a physical dependence on the drug.Some signs that you have developed an addiction to Valium include being unable to control your Valium intake, frequently abusing Valium, or continuing to take the drug despite any negative effects that may present (e.g, worsening existing mental disorders).If you have a Valium addiction, you may also take more Valium than prescribed, try to source it from anywhere other than your doctor, and you may crave Valium.A sign that you’re physically dependent on Valium is that you experience withdrawal symptoms when you lower your dose or stop taking it.Prescription drug addiction can impact all areas of your life, and Valium addiction is no exception.Addiction can not only impact your physical health and mental health, but impact your relationships, finances, and general well-being. This is why it’s so important to receive the right drug addiction treatment for you.

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Valium Abuse

Valium abuse can be dangerous, much like any substance abuse – whether it be heroin abuse, alcohol abuse, or even cannabis abuse. If you abuse Valium, you run the risk of developing a dependence on Valium, which can be tough to overcome without the right detox plan.

Abusing Valium can include taking more medication than prescribed, mixing it with other drugs or alcohol, taking the drug for any reason other than prescribed (to get high), or sourcing it illegally.

Overall, taking Valium for any reason – or in any way – other than recommended by a medical professional can count as prescription drug abuse.

Although Valium has numerous side effects (e.g risk-taking behaviour, hallucinations, seizures) abusing Valium can lead to more serious complications. For example, excessive drug use can lead to a drug overdose.

Some signs of a Valium overdose include abdominal pain, impaired vision, lack of alertness, and blue fingertips, fingernails or lips. If you think you or somebody you know is having a Valium overdose, seek medical attention immediately.

Certain factors can increase the risk of having a Valium overdose – for example, taking a dangerously high dose, taking your prescribed diazepam for longer than prescribed, or combining your prescription with other drugs or with alcohol.

Valium Withdrawal Symptoms: What To Expect

If you are physically dependent on Valium and you suddenly stop taking it, or if you lower your usual dose, then you’ll likely experience withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms of Valium withdrawal are generally categorised as physical symptoms and psychological symptoms.

Some physical symptoms of Valium withdrawal include:

Some psychological symptoms can include anxiety, depression, and mood swings. You may also experience trouble sleeping or staying asleep, restlessness, feeling delirious, as well as memory problems.

Although symptoms of Valium withdrawal are usually mild or moderate, it’s possible to experience serious withdrawal symptoms.

The severity of such symptoms can vary depending on several factors – however, the general rule of thumb is that the more severe the addiction, the more severe the symptoms. Some severe withdrawal symptoms may experience during Benzodiazepine withdrawal include:

Nobody should have to detox from Valium alone – and you must have the right support when withdrawing from drugs. Read on to find out more about the Valium withdrawal timeline.

Valium Withdrawal Timeline

Early withdrawal symptoms (rebound symptoms) can occur within a few hours after your last dose, depending on how much Valium your body is used to. You may notice that the symptoms of your illness that Valium was prescribed to treat return, which can be particularly unpleasant.

For example, if you were prescribed Valium to treat anxiety, then you may feel especially anxious during this stage.

Acute withdrawal generally begins a few days after your last dose, lasting between 5 and 28 days. However, you may experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome – where you experience withdrawal for an extended period (e.g for several months). This is considered the most difficult stage of withdrawal.

You may also experience lingering symptoms – for example, Valium cravings – even though most symptoms have eased.

Research suggests that around 10% – 25% of people who used benzodiazepines for long periods experienced withdrawal symptoms that lasted 12 or more months.

What Is A Drug Detox?

Drug detoxification refers to the act of cleansing your body of the substance that you’re dependent on.During this stage, you’ll experience withdrawal symptoms if you’re physically dependent – some of which can be uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.If you have a severe drug addiction, you may benefit from inpatient rehab – an inpatient medical detox with medical supervision. Depending on your medical history and the drug in question, you may be given detox medication.Inpatient rehab is usually the best course of action for severe addictions. Detoxification only addresses physical addiction – it does not treat the psychosocial, social, or behavioural aspects of addiction.The length and severity of the detox process ultimately depend on the drug you’re dependent on, the dose your body is used to, and other factors such as your height, weight, and personal experiences.Generally, detoxification can last between one and four weeks – but drug withdrawal symptomscan last for a month or two.Detoxing from drugs ‘cold turkey’ is never recommended, and we always recommend that you seek treatment and find the right detox plan for you. This is something we can help with at Help4Addiction; read on to learn more.

Book A Valium Detox Today

Now you have an understanding of Valium addiction and what a drug detox entails, you have all the knowledge you need to book a Valium detox.At Help4Addiction, we have the best knowledge of the different types of detox – and can use our expertise to find the best detox program for you.We’ll speak with you to discuss your treatment options, listening to your story, needs, and preferences to find the right Valium detox treatment for you.Detoxing from Valium can be difficult, especially without the right support. If you wish to detox from Valium, contact us today to find the right plan for you at a valium rehab clinic in your local area.

About Author

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn is a leading industry addiction expert who runs the UK’s largest addiction advisory service and is regularly featured in the national press, radio and TV. He is the founder and CEO of a drug and alcohol rehab center called Help4addiction, which was founded in 2015. He has been clean himself since 2009 and has worked in the Addiction and Rehab Industry for over a decade. Nick is dedicated to helping others recover and get treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. In 2013, he released a book ‘The Thin White’ line that is available on Amazon.

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